Using the Building Holes
Welcome to your new Building Block Robotics IR Seeker. This unique IR Seeker has a hole pattern that allows teams to attach their IR Seeker to their robot at two different angles.
The yellow holes are 45-degree holes. They will allow you to mount the EV3 and Spike Prime bricks at a 45 degree angle compared to the robot. These holes do not line up with the remaining holes. The 11x7 magenta lift-arm indicates where the EV3/Spike Prime brick is mounted – using 4 holes from the 90-degree hole pattern indicated with an Please refer to images below.
The red holes are 90-degree holes. They will allow you to mount the EV3 and Spike Prime bricks at the same angle compared to the robot. These holes do not line up with the remaining holes. The 11x7 magenta lift-arm indicates where the EV3/Spike Prime brick is mounted – using 4 holes from the 90-degree hole pattern indicated with an Please refer to images below.
45 Degree - Yellow Holes
90 Degree - Red Holes
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